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Rocket Yoga Vancouver at Stretch

I began teaching Yoga in 2006. I initially resonated with teachers who taught powerful but creatively flowing classes. My classes would always be different and very playful. 
The problem I found with this style of teaching, is you tend to do more of what you like and what feels & looks good in your body!
Over time this will misalign you, because the poses you don't like are generally the poses you truly need!

Following an intelligent set sequence that ticks off all the boxes, but still allows you to be creative within those boxes.... Is Rocket Yoga! It was created in the late 80's by Larry Schultz.
Since then it has been taught in many countries around the world.
I learned the Rocket sequences from Dustin Fruson initially and then did my Rocket Training in San Fransisco with Steve Pyka.
This "Ashtanga based" practice became my new JAM and saved me a lot of Physio money!

I have been teaching Rocket since 2014 and the owners of Stretch have opened their arms, to be the home of "Rocket Yoga Vancouver!"

Rocket #1( More forward folds similar to Ashtanga Primary ) Rocket #2 ( More Back Bends )
*2/3 of Rocket 1 & 2 are the same!*

Stretch offers 4 Rocket classes a week: 
Wednesday 7am Rocket 1 60min.
Friday 7am Rocket 2 60min.
Saturday 10am Rocket 1 90min. ( Starts Jan. 4 )
Sunday 10am Rocket 2 90min.

This practice will help you build internal strength with the focussed work on Bandhas ( lifting pelvic floor "Mula Bandha" and drawing low belly in and up "Udiyana Bandha" )
Keep your practice aligned and fundamentally focussed, and challenge you in creative ways within the sequences!

Rocket Immersion's are amazing for Power/ Flow Yoga Teachers, to add these incredible sequences into their teaching regime!
You will still need a 50hr. Rocket Training to become an official Rocket Teacher, but you can add these sequences into your Power/ Flow classes as
"Rocket Inspired"!

We will be breaking down the sequences ( Sun Sals, Standing Series, Wide-Legged Series, Seated Sequence, Back Bend Series, Core Work, Closing Sequence ), teaching them, learning adjustments, improving cueing and cadence! The teachers will also fine tune their own Rocket practices to deliver quality alignment based creative classes!

Once the Immersion is completed and Teachers have a regular Rocket or Rocket Inspired class
at a Studio, they will be added to the @rocketyogavan Teachers Page!

Here's the first group of Teachers that took the first Rocket Immersion at Stretch.

The Rocket Community is strong... I often have students sent to me from the UK, Seattle, Colorado, Philippines, Calgary and Puerto Rico... Where Rocket classes are thriving!
I'm very proud and humble, to be representing for Vancouver. 



Writer: Risto DugganRisto Duggan

If you are interested in joining us on our 10th RAD Yoga Surf Retreat in Tofino, expect excellent Yoga classes with experienced Teachers, mouth watering nutrient dense meals, high quality surf instruction, and an amazing group of like minded people.

Here's the story of how this weekend has evolved:

Ten years ago I rolled the dice on my first retreat. I was extremely nervous as I really had nothing to draw from. I needed a location for lodging, a studio space, and a company to take care of the surfing.

My friend owned the Ucluelet lodge and the Ucluelet Community Centre was perfect for the classes ( Eoin Finn used the Community Centre for a previous training I attended and it was great.). Another friend from Whistler worked at Relic Surf Shop, and was stoked to help us out and take care of the Surfing at Long Beach.

So although the majority of the retreat was in Ucluelet the first year, the surfing in Tofino was a blast!!

The second year we moved to Tofino fully and rented a house near Chesterman's beach. I hired a chef that brought over the meals, and once again Relic took care of the surfing.

Although the first two years were fun, I knew I had to step it up and cover all the bases.

Year three we moved everything to Tofino Botanical Gardens and Ecolodge. I also joined forces with Shani Cranston of Home Grown Living Foods ( Locally Sourced Seasonally Inspired Vegetarian Feasts )...... Game changer!

Shani was a good friend of mine from Whistler as well, who had been catering for surf retreats for over 20 years! Her food is absolutely amazing and her description of each meal before it is served, has mouths watering before they even take their first incredible bite!

The Ecolodge was perfect for these events. For year three and four we rented the top floor only. It went really well and I knew I could step it up a bit more.

So year five we rented the whole lodge and it was on! Because we rented the whole lodge we could take over the place. The yoga studio is right in the building and holds up to 30 patrons. As the years progressed, so did the numbers, and the energy.

Also I began to add sponsors to these events, which added a bunch of prizes to the Sunday night dinner.

Relic began to meet us at Long Beach with all the gear, which cleaned up the transitions from lunch to surfing. The instructors are awesome and their gear was perfect for Long Beach waves.

Year six we added musicians to accompany the evening Yin classes! This became the staple and really finished off the days events with style. After the evening Yin classes we congregate around the fire pit out front and reminisce about the day.

The yoga classes have really evolved as well. The morning practice has always been the fiery one, but has gone from a Power/Flow to a Rocket practice.

Because of my dance background I always taught a very creative Power/ Flow style, but after being introduced to the Rocket practice, I switched my teachings to primarily teach the Rocket #1 and Rocket #2 sequences!

Rocket yoga is such a well rounded practice created by Larry Schultz in the 90's. It builds strength, covers all the bases of a complete practice, and is extremely healing.

Set sequences are a beautiful way to allow you to really judge your progression, and make sure you don't skip over the poses you don't like ( because those are generally the poses you need the most! )

Year 8 we added Acro Yoga with Erin Jacob and Jim Heppner, and the puzzle was complete!

Erin and Jim's energy is infectious, and the Acro really surprises the patrons. Acro yoga has such a community building vibe ( base, flyer, and spotter ), and really brings the whole crew together, leaving the patrons wanting more. A lot of patrons leave searching out Acro in their home towns when they leave!

Here's Jim flying 2 girls with 2 spotters.... Yah he's got some skills!

Here's the schedule for our 10th RAD Yoga Surf Retreat in Tofino:


6:00 Botanical Garden Tour by the owner George ( A beautiful way to appreciate the history and beauty of the Tofino Botanical Gardens )

7:30 Dinner

9:00 Yin with Musician David Yates

Saturday / Sunday:

8:00 Breakfast

9:30 Rocket Practice

11:30 Lunch

2:00 - 5:30 Surfing at Long Beach

6:30 Dinner

8:00 Acro Yoga with Erin & Jim

9:00 Yin Yoga with Musician David Yates

10:30 Campfire


8:00 Breakfast

9:30 Party Practice with Inversions

11:30 Checkout

Sunday night we hand out prizes from the sponsors!

Sponsors over the years have been..... RAD Yoga Gear, Home Grown Living Foods, Relic Surf Shop, Float House, Vancouver Cryotherapy, Nectar Juicery, Lululemon, Supported Soul, Nietra Body Botanicals, One Yoga, and Stretch Vancouver.

So if you would like to join us for an amazing action packed Labour Day Weekend, you can sign up at or email me at

Don't wait too late as these events always sell out!!!

Writer: Risto DugganRisto Duggan

Updated: Oct 21, 2019

Rocket Yoga, also known as 'The Rocket', is a style of yoga developed by Larry Schultz in San Francisco during the 1980s. Rocket Yoga is rooted in the Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga practice of yoga. It is combined with and restructured from the Primary and Intermediate Series of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga as well as key postures from the 3rd and 4th advanced series of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. Schultz's yoga was first called "Rocket Yoga" by Bob Weir of The Grateful Dead, because Weir said, "It gets you there faster." Larry's system was informed by over nine years of dedicated Ashtanga practice with his teacher Sri K. Pattabhi Jois.

This practice was taught to me by the amazing Dustin Fruson.

His teachings have affected me more than any other teacher to date. I was introduced to this practice by Jodie Neault. I instantly loved it but was dealing with so many injuries at the time that I couldn’t keep it up on a regular basis. Then as time went on and my body healed, Dustin arrived at One Yoga and the practice was re-introduced to me.

With a very busy teaching schedule, I was only able to get to minimal classes with Dustin, but everytime he taught “The Rocket” I left feeling that I had just done the perfect practice for my body!

So in 2016 I took Dustin’s morning intensive at One Yoga, where he totally broke down the Rocket series. It was fantastic!!! After the intensive was over we met and I asked him if he didn’t mind me teaching this incredible practice at One Yoga. He was stoked that I asked him, as when he is away, his huge following was in need of the Ashtanga vibe!! So we figured out a 75min. condensed version of the “Rocket 1 & Rocket 2” series….. And I was off.

Since then I have been teaching this Rocket #1, Rocket #2, and an Extended Rocket Practice #3 at One Yoga, Yaletown YYoga, and Stretch. The rooms are generally packed, and the vibe is amazing!! “The Rocket” ticks off all the boxes of a well rounded practice, and keeps the energy flowing for the full 60,75, or 90min.

In February 2019 I went to San Francisco and took an incredible 50hr. Rocket Training at Asta Yoga with Steven Pyka. Larry Schultz basically passed the "Rocket" torch to Steven. The Asta Yoga training was EPIC and really helped me refine my teaching, of these amazing sequences!

I have also been passing on these sequences in a 20hr. Rocket Immersion at One Yoga at the beginning of the year. Geoff Mackenzie, owner of Mysore BC. joins me to add his deep knowledge of the Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga System. This Immersion is perfect for Power Yoga Teacher who want to add some new sequences into their teaching arsenal.

What I love the most about Rocket Yoga is that beginners, can practice by experienced yogi’s, and everyone is happy. All the arm balances and inversions are optional, and you practice at the wall. So if you need support you just spin around and use the wall. Also breaks are encouraged, so if your body feels fatigued, just hang out in child’s pose or down dog. Having “all levels” around the room, rises the energy. I see breakthroughs weekly! So much more than in any other class I have taught. It is a real treat to lead and give endless adjustments to all the eager participants. Deep adjustments have greatly improved my practice, and I love sharing them.

So if you are attracted to Power Yoga, and are looking for a set series that will help you judge your progression…… Come and check out “The Rocket”!!

Next EXTENDED ROCKET #3 is November 3rd 1:30 - 3:30 at One Yoga

Writer: Risto DugganRisto Duggan

Updated: Jun 6, 2019

I began teaching yoga full-time in 2007. Right away I knew that I wanted to share my passions with my students. I’m an avid snowboarder, I used to race pro-boardercross, and had some freestyle sponsors back in the 90’s. I have a dedicated yoga practice ( Rocket, Ashtanga, Yin, Acro ) and would love to be a seasoned surfer!! I also love to eat quality foods.

So combining these passions brings us to RAD Yoga Surf Retreats!

In 2009 I began with my first retreat in Tofino. It was Labour Day Long Weekend and I managed to sell it out first try. Now 10 years later the Tofino Retreat at the Tofino Botanical Gardens and Ecolodge, has evolved into quite an event! I have 9 sponsors, incredible food ( Home Grown Living Foods ), surf instruction with rentals ( Relic Surf Shop for all 10 years ), garden tour of Tofino Botanical Gardens, amazing yoga ( Rocket, Acro, Yin ), live music for Yin ( David Yates this year ).

Erin Jacob & Jim Heppner joined us in 2016, with their AMAZING energy and brought Acro Yoga into the mix!! Erin is also a Master Therapeutic Yoga teacher ( She owns 3 studios in Maple Ridge ), and works one on one with the patrons to help them heal past traumas in their bodies.

This year we have added Mexico to our yearly retreats!! Casa Cuchara is a brand new Retreat Centre in Guerrero Mexico at Playa La Saladita. There is a gorgeous infinity pool overlooking the Pacific Ocean on a secluded beach. May 23-30 are the dates…. If you want to get away last minute we can fit you into the last remaining studio!!

Costa Dulce is one of the most beautiful places I’ve been to in my life, and I’m SO STOKED to be returning there for our 4th RAD Yoga Surf Retreat in November 9-16. This breathtaking location is perfect for getting away from the rat race, improving your Yoga practice, hanging out with like minded people, eating incredible food, and recharging!!

Why go on a yoga retreat?

If you have regular yoga practice, but feel you have been stale in progression, a yoga retreat will totally immerse you for a week. I use to teach very creative Power Flow classes and have a dance background, so I loved making my classes unique, and ever changing. But what I found was that my “peak poses” of my classes, tended to be my a lot of my favourite poses. This can create an imbalance in the body. Since being introduced to set sequences ( Rocket, Ashtanga Primary Series ), my body reacted SO MUCH better, and my progression advanced!! Intelligent set sequences are crucial for checking all the boxes of a well rounded practice, to help you heal and progress. Ashtanga Primary Series is called, “Yoga Chikitsa” or “Yoga Therapy”. Rocket Yoga derives from the Ashtanga first, second, and third series. Larry Schultz created “The Rocket” in the 90’s to add a more playful take on “Yoga Chikitsa”……. It’s totally MY JAM!!!

Rocket #1, #2 are my main teachings these days, and my personal practice involves Ashtanga Primary Series a couple times a week when possible. The retreats always begin with a strong Rocket Practice, leave the afternoon for Surfing, followed by Acro & Yin before dinner. Whether it be a long weekend or a week, doing multiple days in a row of this schedule, will build strength, and your practice will dramatically benefit!!

Hanging with like minded people in a beautiful location, does wonders for the nervous system, allows you to detach, and truly just “go with the flow”! We add amazing daily excursions to our week long events as well, so you get to explore the local culture and experience unique locations.

So if you have never tried a Yoga Retreat, but have always wondered what they would be like, come and join us this year!!

Erin, Jim, and I would love to share our passions with YOU!!! to book

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